In the DC Comics universe, Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne, is a made-up vigilante and reluctantly pure-hearted hero. Michael Keaton portrays him in the 1989 film Batman and the subsequent television series. Bruce Wayne’s parents are killed in a mugging outside of a theater, as is the case with most Batman tales; but, in this version, the killer is the one who will become the Joker.
Bruce Wayne battles the widespread criminality in Gotham by using gadgets like the Batmobile and Batsuit in addition to his own combat prowess. He eventually tracks down and defeats the Joker. In this rendition, he develops feelings for Vicki Vale, whom he saves during the pivotal conflict with the Joker.
With millions of admirers worldwide, a good number of them aspire to become skilled illustrators so they can depict their beloved superhero, Batman.
This tutorial will teach you how to imitate this fantastic hero!
Step 1
How to Draw Batman – Let’s get Started!
Because this design is rather detailed, make sure you keep a careful eye on the reference image while you work! To make things easier, you may begin by sketching a basic outline of a head with a pencil.
Step 2
Next, incorporate some of the more intricate features, like his pointed ears and somber eyes. Make careful to include his lips and nose next, followed by some features for his chin and some lines above his eyes.
Step 3
Lastly, sketch the contour of his neck just below his chin. Finally, begin drawing more curved lines to represent his shoulders.
Step 4
In the second section of your sketch of Batman, we will begin drawing his arms and chest. First, complete the part of his mask that reaches his shoulders.
Step 5
After that, we’ll draw some circular lines for his shoulders and more for his arm muscles.
We will be drawing more of Batman’s cape and completing his legs to complete the last features of this drawing tutorial.
Step 6
After we finish those, we can go to his chest. We’ll sketch some rounded lines for this, and then we’ll design the iconic bat symbol on his breast.
To make his cape appear even more flowing, create another long, curved form on the right side that ends in sharp points.
Step 7
After adding a few additional rounded lines to represent his waist, phase three is ready to begin!
Step 8
For this section of our how to draw Batman tutorial, we will be focusing on a few different things. We’ll draw the remainder of his arms first.
His gloves have three spiky bits sticking out of them, and they reach almost to his elbows. Next, using a number of smaller curved lines, we will be creating the musculature of his waist and chest.
Step 9
We will also draw Batman’s famous utility belt, which is stocked with gadgets.
Step 10
To draw his belt, just draw several small pouches connected to some straight lines that are horizontal.
Step 11
Without his cape, Batman wouldn’t seem as badass, so let’s get to drawing! Draw it by drawing a curving line that extends slightly from the left arm down and outward.
There will be some sharp curves near the bottom of this cape as well. The top portions of his legs and his hips will then be drawn utilizing some more rounded and curved lines.
We may proceed after it appears like it does in our reference image!
Next, we’ll take care of his legs. The boots that cover his lower thighs will be depicted by us. You can now add some color after you have faithfully recreated his boots as they look in the picture!