The heavyset marsupial carnivore known as the Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) gets its name from Tasmania, an island state off the southern coast of Australia that also serves as the animal’s only natural habitat. Its growl and short fuse give it the “devil” portion of its name, giving it a fearsome look. The Tasmanian Devil bears similarities to a bear in terms of its huge head, bushy tail, and powerful teeth, resembling those of a hyena. The white markings on the Tasmanian Devil’s black coat are mostly found on its breast, although they can also occasionally be seen on its flanks.
The body length of a Tasmanian Devil ranges from 22 to 28 inches (56 to 71 cm), and its shoulder height is 13.5 to 17 inches (34 to 43 cm). Its total weight is between 13 and 18 pounds (6 and 8 kg). Tasmanian Devil tail length ranges from 9.5″ to 10.5″ (24–27 cm). The lifespan of a Tasmanian devil in the wild is typically 4-6 years, whereas in captivity it can reach up to 8 years.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Tasmanian Devil
Step 1
How to Draw a Beautiful Tasmanian Devil for Children and Novices
Draw the face of the Tasmanian devil to start the cartoon outline. To sketch and contour the head and snout, use a long curved line.
Outline the nose pad and the almond-shaped eye with shorter lines. Draw a small teardrop shape for the nostril and a little oval inside the eye.
Step 2
Easy Tasmanian Devil Drawing
Draw the lower mouth and ears of the Tazzy devil with curved lines. The interior of the ears and the front of the mouth have a hairy texture because to the jagged succession of curving lines.
Step 3
Easy Tasmanian Devil Drawing
For the shoulder, use a curving line, and for the neck and chest, use overlapping lines. After that, outline the skull using a jumbled sequence of curved lines to give it a fuzzy appearance.
Easy Tasmanian Devil Drawing
Trace the foreleg using long, curved lines, and the toes with shorter, curved lines. Look at the elbow’s fuzzy texture. Make a little claw at the tip of every toe.
Draw the Tasmanian devil’s belly with a curved line, and its white marking on its breast with jagged lines.
Step 4
Draw the Tasmanian devil’s belly with a curved line, and its white marking on its breast with jagged lines.
Create the fuzzy texture on the back of the Tasmanian devil’s leg by drawing overlapping curving lines for the toes. On the tips of each toe, draw a tiny claw.
Step 5
Draw the back leg of the Tasmanian devil, forming the fuzzy texture on the back of the leg and the toes using overlapping curved lines. Put a little claw on the end of every toe.
For the animal’s back, use a long, curving line.
Draw curving lines to indicate the remaining back leg, which the first leg partially covers. Next, draw a lighter fur patch on the animal’s back using jagged lines.
The fuzzy tail of the Tasmanian devil can be enclosed with a long, curved line and a sequence of jagged lines.