A character from the manga and anime Demon Slayer is Muichiro Tokito. These are fantastic coloring sheets of Tokitou Muichirou, the Pillar of the Demon Slayer, by Muichiro Tokito, which you can print for free.
One of the most formidable swordsmen for the Demon Slayer, Muichiro is a Mist Hashira. The renowned swordsman Tsugikuni Yoriichi and the Supreme Legend Kokushibou are the ancestors of Tokitou Muichirou. His hair is black, with lime green highlights. He had hollow, lifeless, mint-green eyes as well. His expression is never interesting or out of the ordinary in anything around him. He lost his feelings and memories following his brother’s passing. He was able to communicate more and express his emotions after his memories came back.
The lowest male pillar in the Demon Slayer Corps is Muichirou. Muichirou is nearly the shortest of the Pillars, although he possesses powerful arms. After just two months of learning to wield a sword and beating Gyokko, a High Demonic Demon—despite having previously poisoned his body with import toxins—Muichirou proved to be a rare brilliance among the Demon Slayers.
These are a number of free coloring pages featuring Muichiro Tokito that you can download, print, and color. More images of various demon hunters may be found at Demon Slayer Coloring Pages, where you can also get a ton of lovely coloring pages to print out. Now color the devil hunters. Enjoy yourselves!